Satisfying Customers In The Age Of Instant Gratification

It’s no secret that we live in an extraordinary time! We have virtually everything we need right at our fingertips. We can communicate effortlessly with people halfway around the world using any number of free tools, and each of us has a powerful computer right in our pocket.

The technological age has made us far more connected, but it also poses some challenges for businesses. It’s more important than ever to make sure that your customer care is as excellent and efficient as it possibly can be. Competition is fierce and the world is shrinking, so you don’t need to just worry about local rivals- the whole planet is full of competitors who would love to poach some fickle customers away from you. How do you satisfy customers in the age of instant gratification and global competition?

Treat Them With Compassion

Remember the Golden Rule! If you want to make sure that your customers stay loyal, you have to treat them with compassion and recognize their humanity. These days, icy or indifferent customer service just doesn’t cut it. You need to fully emphasize with each customer and work diligently to solve their problems. Train your reps to always exercise patience and compassion on every single call. Each customer is valuable, and all of them matter in the grand scheme of things! Remember, people are far more likely to complain about bad customer service than to boast about great service, so never give your customers a reason to bad-mouth you.

If you establish a culture of compassion in your office you’ll start to see a big change in the way that your customers relate to you. At (v)WeCare we make sure that every single rep knows how important it is to be empathetic with customers and we monitor calls to ensure that each customer is getting the gold standard of service. That way, our customers know that they are valued and are less likely to be wooed away by the competition!

Interact With Them On Multiple Platforms

You can communicate with your customers on multiple channels so make sure that you take full advantage of every one! Customers know that there are companies out there that are willing to engage with them in live chat and through social media, and frankly they won’t waste time lingering around in long queues. If you are not communicating with your customers over multiple channels, they are guaranteed to look for greener pastures!

Become technologically savvy. Invest some of your hard-earned revenue into a responsive website that has a live chat option for those who just want to fire off a quick question to a rep. Make it easy for people to want to do business with you, and you’ll reap the rewards of customer loyalty and positive word-of-mouth buzz. (v)WeCare reps know this strategy better than anyone. We take full advantage of new technology to interact with our customers on a daily basis. We’ve built our incredible customer service reputation on allowing our customers to choose what platform they want to interact with us on, and always providing the best customer service to them. The combination of those two elements is dynamite! 

Offer Quick And Comprehensive Solutions

Customers don’t have the patience or inclination to spend hours of their time trying to get their needs met and problems solved. We are used to having instantaneous solutions right at our fingertips! Your reps might not be able to snap their fingers and make a customer problem go away, but they can be trained to offer quick and comprehensive solutions, as well as strive to fully solve the problem in the first call, chat or interaction.

Conduct ongoing training sessions and give your reps all of the tools that they need to be able to address any customer situation that comes their way! When people interact with your company they need to know that their needs will be met in a swift and professional fashion. Vcare reps undergo extensive training and are constantly being apprised of any new changes. Our project managers are experts on all different fronts and can step in if need be. Through training, transparency, and rep empowerment we have created an office culture where customers are fully serviced quickly.

Don’t be afraid of the age of instant gratification and global competition! Use the new dynamic as a way to fine-tune your customer service skills and update your office for the modern day!


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